Time-Series Animation in Matplotlib

Use the Matplotlib library to animate time-series data.

TL DR: GitHub Code.

Animations are an interesting way of demonstrating time-series data such as financial products, climate change, seasonal sales patterns and social media trends, as we can observe how the data evolves over time.

This article will provide a walkthrough of how to animate time-series data, demonstrating the price convergence of Henry Hub (USA) and TTF (Netherlands).

So, let’s go ahead and install the required packages:

# pip install Quandl - we shall use Quandl to download the Data:
!pip install quandl
# now import the Quandl package:
import quandl
# set an output directory for the animation and chart:
root_dir = '/content/drive/My Drive/'
# provide Quandl with an API Key:
quandl.ApiConfig.api_key = 'YOUR API KEY HERE'

We have now imported the Quandl package which enables access to the datasets provided by Quandl.com. We can import more packages to work with the data and develop an animation:

# import datetime to help define sample period:
import datetime as dt
# import pandas for data wrangling:
import pandas as pd
# import matplotlib, pyplot and animation for plotting and animating:
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.animation as animation

# define the animation embed limit for matplotlib:
matplotlib.rcParams['animation.embed_limit'] = 200**128

Now, we will define the sample period that we wish to work with. For this project, I chose a sample of 712 days:

# Find today's date & set delta to 712 days ago:
today = dt.date.today()
delta = dt.timedelta(days = 712)

# Set the end of the sample period to today, start of the sample period to 712 days ago:
end_of_sample = today
start_of_sample = (today - delta)

# Change the data format from a 'datetime' element to a string which can be read by Quandl's API:
end_of_sample = end_of_sample.isoformat()
start_of_sample = start_of_sample.isoformat()

We now need to collect the data from Quandl. Notably, the Henry Hub prices are expressed in $/MMBTu, whereas the TTF prices are expressed in €/MWh. Consequently, we have to transform the data to be expressed in the same units:

# Set an empty pandas DataFrame using the defined sample period as index, select 'B' for business days:
Dataframe = pd.DataFrame(index=pd.date_range(start=start_of_sample,end=end_of_sample,freq = 'B'))
# Call the Quandl API for Henry Hub price data for the sample period:
henry_hub_price_data = quandl.get('CHRIS/CME_NG1', start_date= start_of_sample, end_date= end_of_sample, paginate=True)
# Call the Quandl API for TTF price data for the sample period:
ttf_price_data = quandl.get("CHRIS/ICE_TFM1", start_date= start_of_sample, end_date= end_of_sample, paginate=True)
# Call the Quandl API for €/$ price data for the sample period:
euro_dollar = quandl.get("ECB/EURUSD", start_date= start_of_sample, end_date= end_of_sample, paginate=True )
# transform the ttf data from €/MWh to $/MMBTu, using the conversion rate of 1MWh : 3.4121MMBTu:
ttf_dollar_mmbtu = round(((euro_dollar['Value'] * ttf_price_data['Settle'])/3.4121),3)
# Concatenate the Settlement price at Henry Hub and the dollar transformed TTF Settlement price to Dataframe:
Dataframe = pd.concat([Dataframe,henry_hub_price_data['Settle'],ttf_dollar_mmbtu],axis=1)
# Rename the columns of Dataframe:
Dataframe.columns = ['Henry Hub Continuous Futures','TTF Continuous Futures']
# Remove any na values by row:
Dataframe = Dataframe.dropna(axis=0, how='any')

Now we have the data, let’s generate a quick static plot to visualise the dataset:

# Set the notebook to display matplotlib charts inline:
%matplotlib inline
# set a figure of size (15,5):
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (15,5))
# add limits on the x axis defined by the sample period (0 is the first observation, -1 the final observation):
# add limits on the y-axis defined by minimum and maximum of the respective series, incorporate some additional room:
plt.ylim((Dataframe['Henry Hub Continuous Futures'].min()-0.1), (Dataframe['TTF Continuous Futures'].max()+0.1))
# plot the Henry Hub values with a dashed blue line, width 2:
plt.plot(Dataframe['Henry Hub Continuous Futures'], data= Dataframe, marker='', color='blue', linewidth = 2, linestyle = 'dashed')
# plot the TTF values with a red line, width 2:
plt.plot(Dataframe['TTF Continuous Futures'], data= Dataframe, marker='', color='red', linewidth=2)
# set the plot title:
plt.title('Henry Hub Continuous Futures & TTF Continuous Futures', fontsize=14)
# set the x-axis label:
# set the y-axis label:
plt.ylabel('Price ($/MMBtu)',fontsize=10)
# add a legend to the plot:
# save the output to the pre-defined output directory:
plt.savefig(root_dir + 'Henry Hub vs TTF.png')
# show the chart:

Great, we have plotted a static chart containing our data series. Now, let’s move to the animations. Firstly, we need to set up the axes for the dynamic chart:

# set a figure of size (10,6):
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,6))
# set subplot grid parameters (1x1 grid, 1st subplot):
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
# add limits on the x axis defined by the sample period (0 is the first observation, -1 the final observation):
ax1.axis(xmin = Dataframe.index[0], xmax = Dataframe.index[-1])
# add limits on the y-axis defined by minimum and maximum of the respective series, incorporate some additional room:
ax1.axis(ymin= (Dataframe['Henry Hub Continuous Futures'].min()-0.1),ymax=(Dataframe['TTF Continuous Futures'].max()+0.1))

Next, we define a function, animate, which requires the input argument of i. This function can be called multiple times to construct the animation.

# define the function animate, which has the input argument of i:
def animate(i):
#   set the variable data to contain 0 to the (i+1)th row:
  data =  Dataframe.iloc[:int(i+1)]  #select data range
  #   initialise xp as an empty list:
  xp = []
  #   initialise yp as an empty list:
  yp = []
  #   initialise zp as an empty list:
  zp = []
#   set the variable lines as equal to the variable data:
  lines = data

#   for a line in lines:
  for line in lines:
    #     x is equal to the index (time domain):
    xp = data.index
    #     y is equal to the 'Henry Hub Continuous Futures' column
    yp = data['Henry Hub Continuous Futures']
    #     z is equal to the 'TTF Continuous Futures' column
    zp = data['TTF Continuous Futures']

  #   clear ax(1):
  #   add a textbox in the top right corner (1, 0.9):
  ax1.text(1, 0.9, 'by David Woroniuk', transform=ax1.transAxes, color='#777777', ha='right',
            bbox=dict(facecolor='white', alpha=0.1, edgecolor='white'))
  #   plot Henry Hub Continual Futures:
  ax1.plot(xp, yp)
  #   plot TTF Continual Futures:   
  ax1.plot(xp, zp)

  #   provide a label for the x-axis:
  #   provide a label for the y-axis:  
  plt.ylabel('Price $/MMBtu',fontsize=12)
  #   provide a plot title:   
  plt.title('Henry Hub vs TTF Futures',fontsize=14)

We can call the matplotlib.animation.FuncAnimation function, providing input arguments of a figure, the animate function which we just defined, and frames, which specifies how many times the animation function should be called. Interval provides a delay between frames and is measured in milliseconds. As I work in Google Colab, I chose to define the animation writer as [‘ffmpeg’], however, many IPython shells work well with ImageMagick.

# call Matplotlib animation.Funcanimation, providing the input arguments of fig, animate, the number of frames and an interval:
ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, frames = len(Dataframe), interval=10) 

# Use the 'ffmpeg' writer:
Writer = animation.writers['ffmpeg']
# Set the frames per second and bitrate of the video:
writer = Writer(fps=15, metadata=dict(artist='Me'), bitrate=1800)
# save the animation to the predefined output directory:
ani.save(root_dir +'animation_video.mp4', writer=writer)

Voilà! We now have a time-series animation saved within the root_dir!